It's been a while, a long, long while, since I posted here. I have been in and out of the zone to write stuff. But I'm more or less back in the groove. Here is a new composition I made a couple of days ago. Hope you enjoy it. XD


if you were kind
you’d have told me the truth
if you were kind
you’d have told me something
if you were kind
you’d have not stayed silent
and turned me out long ago

it would have been kind
had you told me her name
it would have been kind
not to act all the same
it would have been kind
if you told me the truth
and let me leave on my own

but you were cruel
you were heartless
you left pieces of me scattered
in the darkness of space
yet thanks for that

and now I know
just who you truly are
you have shown me
who I truly must be
look up towards
the bright heavens tonight
see, I’ve become the stars


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