Jenny of Oldstones

Jenny of Oldstones by Florence +the Machine - ukulele cover

Uploaded by Mamyaw on 2019-08-28.

The Prince of Dragonflies loved Jenny of Oldstones so much he cast aside a crown, and Westeros paid the bride price in corpses.

—thoughts of Barristan Selmy

Jenny was considered a half-mad peasant, but Duncan Targaryen fell in-love with her nonetheless. He forsook his birthright to marry her, giving rise to the short-lived rebellion of Lyonel Baratheon. Such love is rare, and precious. So much so, that when King Aegon and Duncan were killed in a tragedy in Summerhall, Jenny never left, and just stayed with her ghosts.

I love this song. I've been trying to cover it for a long time, but kept failing. Until I made a passable recording. I just wanted to share it with you guys. XD


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